Wednesday, February 22, 2006

BIrd flew

Am reproducing the ad board at the local fish market at Pali hill:


Give it a thought. Some things in life need figuring out. Not just the philosophical.

Since I doubt the possibility of you coming close, let me give you a hand. You see, hubby and me finally had to enquire from the concerned individual. It had intrigued us so. Now read what it should have meant for us mere mortals:

"Bird Flu. Informers will be rewarded".

Another gem from the same vidvaan

"when birds flew, fish sales"

Awww I know this time around it was easier

'Bird flu, fish sell'.

On the repurcussions of 'bird flu'. What is exasperating is the diverse and contradictory information. Birds in lakhs (nine, according to the deptt) have been culled. The farmers knew of the outbreak in January, but did not report of the deaths to the ministry or the Animal husbandry deptt. It would have instrumental in controlling the damage.Maneka Gandhi has her own take on it, involving the American govt in the propoganda.

We have been fish-eterians for a while and now more so. Eggs too are at present taboo. My German Shepherd Rusty, is in a foul mood though .He LOVES eggs. The whole family is coaxing him to accept Soya nuggets. But he takes one look at it, lets out a grunt and saunters off in the opposite direction, sulking.

1 comment:

Kaveetaa Kaul said...

:)That is funny Laks. Chilled beer is always going to remind me of this board in bihar now.